Reindeer Fun & Reindeer Knit Christmas Stockings Red White Gray Scandinavian Nordic Knitted Holiday Theme Kids Adults Personalized Christmas

Design 20 in GreyBootReindeer 20 in RedBootReindeer 22 in KNIT-BGT-WHT-DEER 18 in KnitDeer-GreyCUFF 18 in KnitDeer-RedCUFF 22 in KNIT-IVORYRED-INT

Reindeer Mania Stocking Selection is here! We have here Reindeer Fun ( for Kids with Antlers and all ... & Reindeer Knit Christmas Stockings Red and White and Smaller ones in Off White Grey and Red - Good Mix and match of Scandinavian Nordic Knitted Holiday Theme for Kids and Adults with Personalized Christmas touch.

KNIT Grey Cuff and Red Cuff Reindeers are THE SHORTEST- ABOUT 18" 
KNIT BRIGHT White Grey, Red Reindeer = ABOUT 22"
and FELT ( Not Knit) 3D GREY BOOT and RED BOOT REINDEERs are ABOUT 20"


Take a look at the images of the group, they look nice together - the different sizes give them that homespun but modern look.

COLORS: The long 22" knit Reindeer stocking has BRIGHT white in it, the long 22" Ivory Red Intarsia Knit's whites are more IVORY than white, compared to the small 18" knit stockings which have more off-off white in them. The color scheme is very popular and trendy RED WHITE AND GREY.

The 20" Reindeer's with the red and grey boot is made out of feeling. No lining inside.
The 18" Reindeer knit stockings are Knit Front, kinda like Nordic Intarsia knit sweater and Felt back. No lining inside.
The 22" Knit stockings with Reindeer and Intarsia patterns are knit on front and back. The inside has sort of a lining - a webbing - to stabilize the knit. These are sewn from knit fabric so on these stockings the knit pattern may not line up exactly at the side seams.

Materials: wool blend, polyester, Felt.